Monday, July 21, 2008

Making your own Homemade Hair Dye

If you want to color your hair, but have concerns about the safety of commercial hair dyes there are alternatives. The safety of commercial hair coloring products is not known. Some ingredients are thought to produce health risks. There are many common household ingredients that can be used to create homemade hair dye solutions. You probably have some of them in your pantry right now. The ingredients you use will depend on the color you want to achieve. There are many different products that can be used to color your hair. Many of these items are probably in your kitchen right now. For example, you can use food coloring or powdered drink mix to color your hair temporarily.

To try and remove hair dye stains, simply rub toothpaste, preferably the kind that contains scrubbing granules, on the area. If your goal is to cover grey hairs, try making a mixture of rosemary and sage. Mix the ingredients in water and allow them to simmer for about a half hour. Once it has simmered, remove the pan from the heat and allow the mixture to steep for a few hours. Apply to the hair and let it dry completely. Then wash and rinse your hair with your normal shampoo. When it has dried, you will see the results. Made from such products, homemade hair dye can be used to produce everything from bright yellow to deep red or blue, without the unpleasant effects of typical hair dye chemicals.

Another homemade hair dye can be created using walnut husks and water. To have this dye, merely boil the husks in water for about 15 minutes. After boiling, stress the mix and take the liquid to distort your hair. This homemade hair dye is better for making brown hair darker. Kool-Aid beverage mixture is a favorite favourite for making homemade hair dye in shameful colors. Another manner to wrap gray is to take walnut husks. This component works better for brown hair. Mix and simmer on the stove for a half minute. Allow the mix to precipitous for a minute or then until chilly. Apply the tone to the hair and permit it to dry. Then wash the tone from the hair. People with susceptible rind who need to withdraw hair dye stains should put in a professional hair dye remover. They can be establish in beauty supply stores or bought immediately from a hair salon.

Dishwashing soap can effectively remove hair dye stains, especially when mixed with either baking soda or lemon juice. Simply rub over the area until the stains fade. If you want to be a red head, consider using kool aid for your homemade hair dye. This gives a very vibrant shade of red, depending on how it is done. Mix the powder with a little water and apply to the hair.

Another homemade hair dye can be created using walnut husks and water. To make this dye, simply boil the husks in water for about 15 minutes. After boiling, strain the mixture and use the liquid to color your hair. This homemade hair dye is good for making brown hair darker.

There are tons of homemade hair dye recipes to be found on the Internet. A simple search can yield thousands of interesting ideas. Keep in mind that some recipes are meant to enhance your natural hair color or cover grey hair, while others are meant to provide a completely different look. Take the time to perform a bit of research and you’re sure to find a homemade hair dye recipe that is right for your hair, giving you freedom from toxic hair chemicals.
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Face Scrubs - Normal Skin Face Packs

There are many types of skin such as oily skin, normal skin, dry skin etc, but normal skin is a perfectly balanced skin.

This type of skin does not look dry and shiny. It is very necessary to take care of normal skin because it is mostly affected by pimples and acne.

Face packs are very useful to make skin soft and smooth. Face packs are also affected to increase circulation as well as tauten and cleanse the complete face. They are allowed the skin to breathe more and more. Pollution and the daily stress and strain make the skin dull and lifeless, which shows poor health of the person while glowing and supple skin shows that a person is healthy. The dull skin requires a lot of time and repair work to bring it back to the normal. Each person has a different type of skin.

Conversely, a few drops of lemon juice in the summer take care of any excess oiliness. These are not only used for cleanse skin but also maintain the skin tautness. Face packs are also beneficial to remove impurities, dead skin cells and wastes from the skin. One can easily make face packs at home in a few minutes. The juice of fresh fruits and vegetables tone and provide enzymes that help balance and cleanse the skin. Smash or pulp the fresh fruit and vegetables, then add fruit pectin, agar agar, clay or oat flour to firm the mixture so it does not slide off the face. The face pack has property similar to toner. A pack should always be applied after applying a scrubber which opens the pore due to scrubbing effect. Therefore it is important to close down the pores with the help of face pack. On wrinkled or excessive dry skin, remove the mask when it semi-dries.

The effect of any facial pack on face is only temporary, so it is a must to use face pack 2 to 3 time in a week time. A mix of face pack is needed to be prepared, just before it is required to use. A face pack is applicable only on clean skin and that too without any cosmetics on skin. Before applying facial you will need to take steam bath with chamomile, lime, sage, and peppermint.

All natural herbal face pack consist of herbs like holy basil that contains vitamin A & C, anti oxidant that helps in preventing cell damage and lessens aging factor, protect against radiation, damage, liberates oxygen to the skin. Chop up a small sized fresh cucumber and liquidize it with half a cup of yogurt. Apply the mixture for 5-10 minutes, and wash it off. The remainder can be stored in the fridge for future use. This is a refreshing toner for normal skin. All Natural fruit face pack is made from naturally derived botanical fruits.Fruits contain natural hydroxy acids that make the skin smooth and soft while cleansing it deeply. Alpha-hydroxy fruit acids help slough off dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. After washing the face pack, it is must to apply rose water since it prevents the skin from becoming dry.

Facial packs are one of the most convenient methods of face and neck care at home. Some face packs you can make easily and use in minutes. There are many type of packs, you can make at your home. Even with normal skin, there may be seasonal fluctuations. For instance, your skin might feel a slightly drier in winter or a stickier in summer, so vary your face pack accordingly by adding an extra ingredient or two. You can add milk cream or olive oil in the winter to your routine pack to increase its moisturising capacity. For a normal skin, mix the clay/kaolin, cornflower and oats together with one beaten egg white and floral water. Add 1 drop geranium oil and 1 drop neroli oil. Mix well to form a paste and apply.

Use of face packs varies according to climate, skin type and age also. Face packs may be of different type, for example; face pack made of fruits or sour cream and cream etc.

No matter what type of face you have, the use of face pack will make your face skin shiny.

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Diet Pills Your Best Options to Lose Fat

Loosing weight is almost everyone's wish. We live in a society which dictates what the standard of beauty is and imposes stereotypes which may go too far and could alter people's metabolism, on the other hand being over weight is not healthy either, so this condition can not be endorsed. The US is one of the nations with the highest problem of obesity, some of these cases have escalated into morbid obesity which is certainly dangerous.

Our eating habits have a direct impact in our physical condition, the more fat we eat the more weight we gain; this doesn't apply to people with gland problems (thyroids) who gain weight no matter what they do, in such cases contacting a physician or specialist is the only way to address the problem.

For the rest of the people who have obesity problems there are several options which may help them loose weight, they are the following:

This word is taboo for some people. Before you start a diet it is highly recommended that you do a complete research about it and talk to your physician about the effects it could have based on your current health condition, do not take anyone's word for it, a bad diet can affect your health in many ways and can cause more problems than it can solve. Remember to keep a healthy balance of calories and carbs without completely eliminating one or the other since your body needs them both.

Pills and Prescriptions:
This is the most popular weight loss option, many people use diet pills to help control their appetite, reduce body fat and burn calories faster. Just like diets it is necessary to do a complete research on the pills you are planning to take; here you will have a couple of options, you can go with over the counter pills which are considered supplements or you can use prescription pills. This last option should be taken "if and only if" you have professional supervision of a qualified doctor. Prescription diet pills are often used on people whose health condition is deteriorating fast due to their weight, these are by no means pills that teenagers with a few extra pounds should be taking.

This is the very last resort when it comes to loosing weight. People who are unable to loose weight naturally or with the help of diet pills may choose to have surgery or liposuction in order to decrease the body fat which may be affecting several organs within their bodies. Some think of this method as a luxury or for cosmetic purposes, however a quick drop in body fat is not encouraged unless you have full approval by a qualified physician. This is a good approach to save the lives of people who are mostly morbidly obese.

If you have compared all three options then you may have concluded that over-the-counter (non-prescription) diet pills is a good way to go, however some of them have nasty side effect that you should be aware off, read the instructions carefully and always take them with plenty of water since they act as a diuretic.

See also related blogs:










Tuesday, April 1, 2008

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and the law can bring copy photos to life. But with today's time and budgetary constraints, often is not practical or possible to hire a photographer to get the images you need. So if you are a web designer, an art director of a printed publication, or even a photographer, online photography, has much to offer.

Purchase online images

For beginners, photography, often known as the photograph without the payment of duties. In other words, those who want to buy the photos do not have exclusive rights to use them. The advantage is that no fees images and illustrations cost only a small fraction of the price of an exclusive photo or the cost of hiring a photographer to take a picture.

Better yet, compared with just a decade ago, even without fees images have dropped in price. Thanks to digital photography and high-speed Internet connections, no longer have to buy an entire CD photography (and wait for it to be shipped to you) to get the shot you want. Instead, you can buy only the photos you need and download immediately. Prices can vary from two dollars a small photo (500 pixels on the longest side) and twelve dollars for a great photo (minimum of 1600 pixels on the longest side). Similarly, the cost of artwork ranges from about three dollars to twenty dollars.

So, how can be used online photography? Each photograph has its own site of the licensing terms, but in general can use the photos for their own business, in print publications, Web sites, and in marketing promotional materials, PowerPoint presentations, and in film and television. You can also use the materials for you to prepare for your customers. The online photo sites, which often prohibit further sale or distribution of images, their use as part of a template that you sell, or in the packaging of commercial products.

Selling Photos

If you are a photographer, you probably already have a collection of photographs of stock. Sign with an online photography site, is the injury of a way to increase your revenue stream and gain exposure for their work. Typically, a site without fees which requires complete an application online and submit three sample images. Once the site will accept your submission, can begin selling their stock photos.

To sell their images online, a site that normally requires that the photographs that his own work and that you hold the copyrights for each image that sells. For people photos, the site may require a level model. Normally, the site handles all sales, promotion, customer service, and transactions, and you will receive half the share of each sale. In general, you get paid once their sales reach a certain dollar amount (the threshold for many site is fifty dollars).

Photography adds warmth and vitality to everything from simple brochures websites complex. Images instantly express concepts and emotions, and can quickly capture the attention of a reader. With online photography, it's easy to bring his work to life.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

All over the world various species of animals, insects, and plants are being slowly wiped out. Some may argue that it is the natural order of things, but human involvement has certainly exasperated the issue, causing untold amounts of damage to the worlds ecosystems. All of the world, that is, except for the Arctic Circle and Alaska.

The Arctic is home to many different species of birds, bears, fish, and other animals. Much of the Arctic is still unspoiled, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) intends to keep it that way. This organization and reserve sees the value in unspoiled landscapes and thriving wildlife.

The ANWR reserve spans over nineteen million acres, and within its boundaries there are over 500 different species of recognizable wildlife, and many more that have yet to be discovered. Some of the world's most succulent fish find their way in and out of this reserve, and many native tribes continue to live here.

Life, Untainted

Life continues to exist and thrive without human intervention. In fact, it could be said that the biggest attraction of the ANWR is the continuation of life cycles before the recent intervention of man. The wildlife continues to raise their young, hunt and forage, and evolve in peace.

This situation is particularly unique due to the climate of northern Alaska and the Arctic Circle- the extreme temperatures and high amounts of snow have kept humans and animals alike from setting up camp. However, with recent oil projects starting up in Alaska, the ANWR's role will become more important than ever as it strives to maintain the unspoiled solitude that the wildlife has enjoyed for thousands of years.

The results of this untainted lifestyle are easy to see: the fish are healthier and larger, the land animals graze in packs, and the hunters stalk without fear of reprisal. There is no pollution, no noise, and no intervention. Just nature doing what it was always intended to do.

See the Refuge

Close your eyes for a moment and picture the sun setting over the hills. A stream runs through the valley that you are standing in, and the few remaining rays of sunlight reflect off of the water, giving it a golden edge. A flock of Geese fly overhead, their call echoing unchallenged throughout the landscape. A few Moose stand at the base of the stream, drinking the golden water. You sense peace, and feel as if the world has all but disappeared, if only for a few fleeting moments.

You can open your eyes. Nowhere else in the world will you be able to see or experience something as tranquil and serene. Tourists are able to see certain areas of the ANWR and experience some of the magic themselves. But remember, life here is how it was meant to be, you may find that you won't want to leave.

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  • Wednesday, February 20, 2008

    Blogging for SEOContest2008

    What is blogging? This word is nowadays is getting famous and draws the attention of many people. When I first heard of this word, I actually don’t have any idea at all. The word sounds unfamiliar and it irritates my ears. I felt ashame of myself when a friend of mine once asked me that word. He asked me if I do blogging since I have my own website. I did not realize that what I am actually doing in my site is already about blogging. Blogging is not just writing what you think or thing what you would like to say, but it is all about expressing your emotion with feelings and most especially, BLOGGING is PASSION as what my friend used to tell me.

    Today, since I already knew what blogging is all about, I can do many things about it. I am now actually using it for the newly launched SEOContest2008 in UK. This is actually my first time to join this kind of contest though my friends used to participate and have already won. My JRSEOContest2008 blog is my official blog for the SEOContest2008 brought to us by UK Webmaster World SEO Contest.

    I actually name my entry blog as JRSEOContest2008 for the SEOContest2008 because I know that I am still a novice when it comes to SEOContest2008. I still have to learn much things about SEO and how to generate more traffic on my site. I am still, and I agree that I need to learn more for the SEOContest2008.

    I know that in the SEOContest2008, there are many participants whom already won many contest similar to this. Though I know that I am competing with many SEO geeks, I stil believe in what my mentor has told me, it is about the “First Timer’s Luck.” Who knows, with this SEOContest2008, I can be on top of the others. That is how optimistic I am when it comes to the SEOContest2008.

    Everyday, every hour, I always check on my status. I am always turning on my computer and search the internet using the keyword SEOContest2008 whether my blog is on the first 5 pages of the popular search engines. Well, I happy that after 3 days of registering my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008, I remain on page 5 so far. I don’t know if this will drop, will remain as it is, or it will go up. This SEOContest2008 is really challenging to me as a blogger. I hope that I will do better that seeing my JRSEOContest2008 blog for the SEOContest2008 and not by simply remaining in page 5.

    PRIDE and HONOR on the SEOContest2008

    It is nearly 3:00 in the morning and my eye lids slowly close down little by little but I am still trying to fight it just to make my blog a competitive like the other blogs which were also registered in the UK’s recently launched Search Engine Optimization Contest or more popularly known as SEOContest2008.

    Well, honestly, this is my first time to join the contest. I have been observing my friends, Gio and Philip joining different contest in the country and also watch them receive their awards winning home as champions. I am also aiming for that and I am still optimistic that I will be learning something in this SEOContest2008.

    But, perhaps some may ask what will be the prize when someone wins the competition. For me, the best answer I could give is that, in this SEOContest2008, it is not actually the money which is important. What matter most is the experience and learning you will get upon participating on the aforementioned activity. This will give us (we the contestants), a chance to broaden our ideas and widen our imaginations by trying to figure out on how to optimize our website using the keyword given. At the same time, PRIDE and HONOR is priceless. That would probably be the main goal of every participants like me to have.

    I know that there are tough competitors who already have their experiences but I will still stick on my belief, that nothing is impossible as long as you believe that you can do it. Anyway, to us believers and achievers, impossible is not part in our dictionary list.

    So, to my fellow participants, I wish you all good luck and see you around. Make your best on the SEOContest2008.

    Thursday, January 31, 2008

    Sea Turtles In North Cyprus

    These fascinating creatures come ashore on the deserted beaches of North Cyprus between May and August to nest and Alagadi Beach is classified as a special protected area.

    While on your trip in Northern Cyprus, you may be intrigued to know that this is home to some of the most significant turtle housing beaches in the Mediterranean. The two species that live and nest in Northern Cyprus are endangered species. Just about 10% of the loggerhead and 30% of the green turtles in the Mediterranean nest in Northern Cyprus. Bearing in mind that as little as 300-400 green and 2000 loggerhead turtles are likely to live each year in the complete Mediterranean, it is critical that people do all they can to help and protect these near endangered species.

    These North Cyprus Marine turtles start their lives on land, where they come out to emerge from eggs, just after 45-60 days of incubation on land and in the sand. When these turtles hatch and emerge they then begin to make the attempt to reach the sea, they swim anxiously out to sea waters where they stay put for the remaining years of their lives, the only break in this would be when a adult female will come to shore and lay her eggs.

    It is projected that only one single hatchling out from two thousand will make it and survive to full adult life and maturity. As soon as they are 25-30 years old, and reach 1-2 meters in length, the adult females and males with set out and migrate to waters off nesting beaches to eat and reproduce. For the duration of a nesting season a female lays 3-4 nests, each carrying just about 100 eggs. she will nest every 1-3 years and will always return to the exact same beaches. There is no exact number on how long these marine turtles live but they have been suggested to live up to 160 years old.

    They are two species of marine turtles that find themselves nesting in the North Cyprus Mediterranean and they would be the loggerhead, caretta caretta and the green turtle (chelonia mydas) the grand total number of both of these turtles has said to be a estimated 300-400 for the green and 2000 for the logghead females that nest each and every single year. Both of these species of sea turtles are endangered , more so with the green turtles. It has said to be that North Cyprus and Turkey seem to be the only nesting grounds these turtles come to love. There is over 80 beaches along North Cyprus that between may and October and monitored closely for the precious turtle activity.

    While on your stay in North Cyprus and wish to see these lovely creatures you may indulge in a boating experience of the shore and see these turtles swimming, and with many places to see at night you might catch a glimpse of these night nesting turtles.

    Group of Ecologists and students have been observing and helping to protect these rare animals from extinction for a number of years.

    Some general information for you to keep on hand:
    Mating time for these turtles is May/June
    Hatching time is Aug/Sep
    Nesting time is June/July

    I hope that by through this article you can take away some general information on sea turtles in North Cyprus. If ever in the area on vacation or stay pay a visit to these wonderful beautiful creatures.

    24 Tips on How to use Public Transportation Effectively

    1) Learn the Bus and Train Lines. Call the Transportation Department for your city and ask if they have any maps showing the city or entire region of the area you are requesting route information for. You may be able to get it free or pay a fee - it is well worth it.

    2) Visit your State's Transportation Department's Website. These sites have very valuable information to the public transportation user.

    3) Check for any incentive programs available to get people to use public transportation, or tax breaks to company's that your employer may not know about. Some states will give you up to a $65 a month discount on such programs.

    4) Check to see if you are eligible for a disability or senior citizen discount.

    5) If you plan on using public transportation frequently buy a weekly or monthly pass - this will save you lots of money in the long run.

    6) Keep good records of your ridership - you may qualify for tax breaks.

    7) Get schedules by calling, online, from libraries or community centers. You may be able to print the schedule online on your printer.

    8) Have good alternatives planned in case something happens to your regular bus route. Learn how to use subways in case of heavy traffic, sporting events, parades or marathons.

    9) Keep your dollar bills as flat as possible, don't ball them up, and make sure your money doesn't have any rips or tears in them. Farebox machines often will not accept torn bills.

    10) Be aware of what's going on in your city. Sporting events, popular plays, circuses, road construction, marathons etc. can have a great impact on your commute time especially if you work weekends.

    11) If you plan to use strollers, use the light weight portable type. Start taking them down the moment you see the bus in the distance.

    12) Keep your hands as free as possible - you can get seriously hurt if you do not secure yourself by holding on, or my get in arguments by falling into people.

    13) Keep your valuables at a minimum, do not sit them in a free seat next to you and not pay attention, you know what will happen.

    14) Use good common sense - which will cover much of what is not written here.

    15) Pay attention to the Bus number and block number which may be in the lower part in the corner of the front window. Just in case you lose something or something happens.

    16) Like anywhere else there are con people that use the bus. It's good to be pleasant but don't provide too much of your intimate details about where you may be going to complete strangers. For example telling someone you are on the way to the bank or shopping, this equates in people's mind that you have money.

    17) Be alert to what's going on around you.

    18) Keep this in mind. Just because someone is a Bus Driver doesn't mean they know every street in the city, granted - drivers can help you with a lot of destinations throughout the regions, but sometimes they just don't know or have just started. Sometimes the other passengers know more about how to get to your destination. If you have no idea of where you are going, call the bus company they may have people that could help you over the telephone.

    19) If you loose something on the bus check with the lost and found department or call the company directly if you have the bus and block numbers.

    20) Keep a close eye on your children both at the stop and while getting on the bus. Make sure they are secure when they are on the bus before the driver pulls off.

    21) Bring something interesting to read with you.

    22) If you are new to riding the bus try not to go to sleep or you may miss your stop.

    23) If possible, try to stay at least 1 - 2 buses ahead of the one that will get you to your destination by the time you need, in case a bus breaks down or traffic. A good rule of thumb to use is - The more important an event is to you the earlier you want to be there.

    24) You are saving a lot of money by using public transportation, take some extra money with you in case you need to take a cab for emergencies. "Be Prepared" as the Boy Scout's Motto says.

    The books at this site provide Valuable Empowering Information for everyone.

    Uderstanding Bacteria and Enzymes

    The adaptable nature of bacteria makes it possible to exploit particular strains for their beneficial qualities. The natural biodegradation of organic waste can be greatly enhanced by the introduction of naturally occurring, non genetically engineered, non pathogenic bacteria. Biodegrading "specialists" are scientifically selected for their exceptional enzyme production and long term stability.

    In the natural environment, both bacteria, and the enzymes they produce, play a significant part in biodegradation: Bacteria produce the enzymes essential for metabolizing the food source (organic waste) into energy necessary for further growth of the living organism. Enzymes facilitate the phase of metabolism in which complex compounds are broken into simpler ones (catabolism). This, in turn, speeds the process of converting the food source into an available energy supply for bacterial growth and reproduction (and continuous enzyme production).


    1. General Background
    Although some bacteria may cause certain diseases, many more bacteria are not only harmless, but they actually are very beneficial. The positive influence of these numerous useful microscopic organisms in our biosphere is incalculable. For example, without bacteria, the soil would not be fertile (and all plants and animals ultimately are dependent upon soil fertility for life sustaining materials). Various species of bacteria are concerned in the decomposition of organic matter, fermentation, and the fixing of atmospheric nitrogen. Many of the common bacteria of air, soil and water are capable of digesting dead organic materials, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and grease, and cellulose breaking them down to simpler molecules and in utilizing these substances. This impressive ability of bacteria as a group to produce such a great diversity of biochemical changes and end results constitutes one of the outstanding facts of the natural world.

    2. Rate of Multiplication
    Given reasonable and suitable conditions for growth, the rate of asexual multiplication of bacteria is very rapid; it has been found that a cell divides every 20 to 30 minutes. So, assuming that conditions are conducive to a rate of one division every 30 minutes, a single individual cell will have produced 4 cells at the end of the first hour, 16 at the end of two hours, and about one million (1,000,000) at the end of fifteen (15) hours. Thus, when products containing millions of selected bacteria per milliliter are introduced under suitable conditions, the eventual bacterial growth is astronomical, and, by virtue of the presence of such great numbers of efficient, beneficial bacteria, the presence and growth of less productive and often harmful, naturally occurring bacteria are greatly reduced by competitive exclusion. Simply stated, the selected, introduced bacteria are more efficient and out compete the naturally occurring bacteria for the food source.

    3. Conditions Affecting Growth of Bacteria

    a. Food requirements. Bacteria must obtain from their environment all nutrient materials necessary for their metabolic processes and cell reproduction. The food must be in solution and must pass into the cell.

    b. Temperature. For every bacterium, there 'are certain cardinal points of temperature at which growth is most rapid. Although different bacterial species differ widely, the optimum growth temperature for most bacteria lies between 5° C and 55° C (41 ° F to 131 ° F). Growth may slow at temperatures below 5°C (41 ° F) and cell damage may occur at temperatures above 60° C (140° F). The ordinary cells (non spores) are damaged at temperatures of 60° to 80° C (122° F to 140° F); hence a single boiling of a fluid or even pasteurization (application of a heat of 63° C or 145° F) is sufficient to eliminate them. Bacterial spores, however, must be subjected to very prolonged heating at higher temperatures before they are distressed.

    c. pH. Each bacterium has a pH range within which growth is possible. Growth will occur in environments that have pH values between 4.5 and 10; the optimum pH value differs greatly between species but an environment kept close to neutral (pH 7) will sustain most bacterial species.

    d. Moisture. Bacteria require moisture. The importance of moisture for bacterial growth will be seen clearly if it is realized that bacteria have no mouth parts and all their food must be absorbed in a soluble form by the process of diffusion through the cell wall; without sufficient moisture, therefore, the inflow of food and the outflow of excreta becomes impossible.

    e. Oxygen. Bacteria of various kinds exhibit wide differences in their relation to oxygen of the air. Some need oxygen for respiration and cannot grow unless it is provided. These are known as aerobes. Others grow only in the absence of free oxygen and are unable to use it in their respiration, they are called anaerobes. Still others can grow under either condition and are termed facultative.
    Broadleaf Plantain, also know by the scientific name Plantago majo, is a short, leafy plant that loves to grow in thin and weakened sections of your lawn.

    There is one problem with this pest, It forms large spreading colonies, suffocating the grass around it.

    I've seen lawns absolutely covered with this stuff.

    Here is some basic information about this weed:

    It grows everywhere in the United States, southern Canada, most of Europe, and northern and central Asia. Grows well in full sun or partial shade. Its rosette of leaves is 5-10 inches across, with each leaf being 2-8 inches long, and 1-4 inches wide. The leaves hug the ground, and crowd out healthy grass. The main advantage that this plant has is that it grows better than others where the soil is compacted. So if your lawn has a small gap it can easly grow there even if the soil is firm, choking out the grass around it.

    Early summer through September you will see the seed stalks rising. It spreads from seeds and also re-sprouts roots below the ground. If Broadleaf Plantain is appearing, it can be an indication that you are mowing your grass too low.

    If you want to try removing this plant yourself, the only way is to dig them out. You will need to do this repeatedly over several months in order to effectively control the plants. Removing the plants before they produce seed also helps to speed up the process.

    If you try pulling the plants out by grasping the leaves, they tend to break off, allowing the roots to continue spreading beneath the ground, forming new plants. Mowing does not work because of how low the leaves lie. Additionally, seeds and plant parts can contaminate your lawn mower and other equipment, so mowing will just spread the plants to new areas.

    Herbacides can be effective to control plantain seedlings, and can also reduce the vigor of established plantain plants. Please ask your lawn care company for help in applying the correct herbacides for this weed.

    Data entry services make organizational functions a smooth process

    Every organization aims at carrying out its daily processes with clockwork precision. The employees hired in various departments are all specialists in their jobs and the company hopes that the functions will be a smooth flowing process under the supervision and care of these professionals. However there are certain tasks that are mundane in nature but nonetheless are crucial to the existence and profit making capacity of the organization. Data entry of regular processes within the company is one such important aspect of every business. Any organization cannot function smoothly without the requisite data entered and processed accurately and efficiently. Employees are therefore hired to carry out the data entry services which enable the smooth functioning of the business.

    Data entry services can be a time consuming task which requires diligent effort of the data entry staff. Each and every transaction needs to be recorded, processed and analyzed to enable the decision makers to have a clear picture of the actual standing of the company. A huge group of people are interested in the data of the company starting from the shareholders to the employees, creditors, consumers and the market in general. Data entry services therefore play a crucial role in determining the present and future of the business and hence this aspect is taken very seriously by every business. Data entry services are now being outsourced from reputed vendors to further simplify the requirements of every business.

    Data entry services that are outsourced from vendors help the firm in saving crucial resources which are both human and financial. The data entry services vendor employs qualified professionals to carry out the data entry work for the client. This enables the client to reduce the manpower in the form of salaried staff that was earlier engaged in data entry operations for the firm. This not only leaves the manpower free to be employed in other crucial divisions but also saves on the salary that would otherwise have to be paid to the staff doing data entry services. The vendor generally charges less than what the firm would normally pay to a salaried staff for data entry services and hence it is a win-win situation for all involved.

    The data that is collected, recorded, processed helps the company determine the current status of their financial records and the progress made so far. Some firms may not be requiring constant data entry services and for them it makes sense to hire vendors to do the job on a need basis. Meanwhile the firms with permanent data entry requirement can also benefit from a vendor providing regular and up to date data entry services. It would ensure that all information regarding the company data is available at the click of a mouse. Data entry services can be a boon for numerous companies which are dependent on the crucial records of every transaction that takes place within the organization. Now whether the company wants to hire in-house staff or a vendor to take care of data entry services is a matter of convenience and preference but the need for such services will always remain intact and keep growing with the time.

    Factors affecting the Design of an ac electric induction motor1

    Factors affecting the Design of an ac electric induction motor
    Design of an ac electric motor is directly affected by the length of the air gap. Ampere Conductors value also affects the design of an ac electric motor.

    The value of average flux density over the air gap of an ac electric motor also affects the design of an ac electric motor. The size or dimensions of an ac electric motor depend upon the speed of an ac electric motor. It can also be said that the volume of active parts of an ac electric motor varies inversely as the speed of an ac electric motor. The value of output co-efficient is directly responsible for the dimensions of an ac electric motor. In other words the volume of active parts of an ac electric motor is inversely proportional to the value of output co-efficient of the ac electric motor.

    The total flux around the armature (or stator of an ac electric motor) periphery at the air gap is called the total magnetic loading. While total electric loading is the total number of ampere conductors around the armature (or stator of an ac electric motor) periphery. Since the output coefficient of an ac electric motor is proportional to the product of specific magnetic and specific electric loading of an ac electric motor, we conclude that the size and hence the cost of ac electric motor decreases if increased values of specific magnetic and electric loading are used. The flux density in iron parts of an ac electric motor is directly proportional to the average flux density in the air gap of the ac electric motor. In a well designed ac electric motor the maximum density occurs in the teeth of the ac electric motor and therefore let us relate the flux density in the teeth with flux density in the air gap of ac electric motor.

    The magnetizing current of an ac electric motor is directly proportional to the mmf required to force the flux through the air gap and the parts of the ac electric motor. The mmf required for the air gap of an ac electric motor is directly proportional to the gap flux density i.e. the specific magnetic loading of an ac electric motor. The consideration of magnetizing current is very important in ac electric induction motor(s) as an increased value of magnetizing current means of a low operating power factor of ac electric motor. Therefore specific magnetic loading in the case of ac electric induction motor(s) is lower than that in dc electric motor(s).
    The core loss in any part of the magnetic circuit of an ac electric motor is directly proportional to the flux density for which the ac electric motor is going to be designed. Thus a large value of specific magnetic loading in an ac electric motor indicates an increased core loss in ac electric motor and consequently a decreased efficiency of ac electric motor and an increased temperature rise of ac electric motor. In case of high frequency ac electric motor, specific magnetic loading must be reduced in order to get lower iron losses in ac electric motor so that reasonable values of efficiency may be maintained in an ac electric motor. The maxmium temperature rise of an ac electric motor is determined by the type of insulation material used in the ac electric motor. If the cooling co-efficient of the ac electric motor is small, a high value of specific loading may be used in the ac electric motor.

    Sexual health problems - penis enlargement, medication and solutions

    Sexual discussions are no longer a taboo. This is because people’s inhibitions regarding sexual health have been shed and almost everyone is now keen on improving their sexual health. Read ahead and find out which product suits your need the best…

    Penis Enlargement

    Every man is secretly apprehensive about his penis size and wishes to do something about it. This problem of apprehension and worry can be easily solved by various penis enlargement products available online.

    Choose from the wide range of penis enlargement pills, patches and pumps. If you are not comfortable taking pills and applying patches on your body, you can choose a penis enlargement pump. But if pumps and other penis enlargement devices scare the hell out of you, choose penis enlargement pills and penis enlargement patches.

    The best penis enlargement products online are VigRx, V-Rx capsules and V-Rx patches, Jes Extender and Handsome Up Penis Enlargement Pump.

    Breast Enlargement

    For ages, women have been wishing for bigger and fuller breasts. Many-a-woman spent sleepless nights worried about her breast size and thinking about methods of enlarging them.

    All their wishes went unfulfilled until few years back. However, since the last five years breast enlargement has no longer been a dream but become a reality. Women can go for breast enlargement without having to go for expensive surgeries. One of the best methods of breast enlargement is Grobust.

    Grobust breast enlargement formula has been around for over five years now and women are actually swearing by it. The all-natural, clinically proven breast enlargement formula is now yours for taking.

    Nipple Enlargement Kit

    Many a times, the size of their nipples is a big issue for men as well as women. If you feel your nipple size is not as big as you would like, go for nipple enlargement. Larger nipples can be more enticing and tempting and hence you will find your partner more attracted towards you than ever before.

    Nipple enlargement kits not only help with nipple enlargement but also nipple sensitisation. Nipple enlargement kits help in increasing the sensitivity of your nipples, thereby escalating the pleasure of foreplay and enhancing the satisfaction derived from sexual activities.

    With a nipple enlargement kit you will not only ensure your partner’s but also your increased pleasure and satisfaction.

    V-Rx Female

    Women’s sexual problems are not caused by a single factor. There are myriad reasons because of which women may feel less inclined towards sex. The main reason being the constant hormonal changes taking place in her body throughout the month.

    V-Rx Female is the leading herbal ‘Female Viagra’. V-Rx Female is made up of natural ingredients only and helps incredibly with libido problems and virility. V-Rx Female helps increase sex-drive by maintaining the right balance of hormones.

    Female Viagra does not work like male Viagra where one pill taken before sexual activity suffices. V-Rx Female is a daily supplement intended to help women achieve natural hormonal balance throughout the month. ‘Female Viagra’ reduces the ups and downs experienced with the menstrual cycle and increases sex-drive.

    Understanding erectile dysfunctions

    There is a topic that most men feel uncomfortable to talk about, but it still exists and is a fact that affects a large number of men around the world: erectile dysfunction or male impotence. But something many men do not know is why this happen or what can be done to solve or treat this problem. For those who knew very little about erectile dysfunction, this term refer to some variations of men sexual problems like a total inability to achieve an erection, an inconsistent ability to achieve it, or the ability to sustain them for a very short period of time.

    So, how do erections occur? The penis is made up of two chambers called the corpora cavernosa and they are filled by a spongy tissue, and there’s a smaller chamber below them called the corpus spongisum which surrounds the channel for urine and ejaculate called urethra. Erections begins when impulses from the brain and local nerves relax the muscles of the corpora cavernosa and then the blood flows in and fills the spaces causing the penis to expand and then it is possible for men to sustain an erection.

    Knowing this, what causes erectile diysfunction? Basically, a weak erection happens when not enough blood enters the corpora cavernosa, it can happen because of some damage to nerves or arteries caused by a disease like diabetes, chronic alcoholism, vascular and neurological disease. Other causes are smoking, overweight, some medicines and psychological factors like stress, anxiety, guilt, depression and fear of sexual failure.

    This leads to the most important question, how can these sexual disorders be treated? Doctors’ recommendations can vary with each man. For some of them, some healthy changes in their lifestyle could be enough to solve their problem. However, others are told to try psychotherapy, mechanical devices, and surgery, but the most valuable and effective recommendation they get is to try natural maca capsules that will help them achieve and maintain a great erection like Maca Enhancer.

    This is a nutritional supplement that has demonstrated to be able to grow the penis, improve sexual potency and also increase libido and endurance, this means that it will make a man’s sexual health much better. But how does this natural male sexual enhancer work? What Maca Enhancer does is to increase the maximum capacity of the corpora cavernosa, this way more blood can enter this tissue resulting in a longer and thicker erection. The blood flow is important, if the blood does not flow properly because of damaged nerves or arteries the corpora cavernosa won’t receive enough blood and an erection will not be achieved. Maca Enhancer will enhance and increase the penile blood flow, this way the necessary blood for an erection will make it to this tissue without problems.

    Maca Herbal Enhancer: the revelation that will cure premature ejaculation

    Do you ejaculate too soon? Can’t you last long enough to satisfy your partner? This sexual dysfunction has a name: premature ejaculation. This happen when you regularly ejaculate sooner than you want, for example before intercourse begins or shortly afterward. It is a common sexual disorder but it is embarrassing for men to talk about it or look for help. Time ago experts believed that it had only psychological causes, but now it has been discovered that biological factors can also cause premature ejaculation.

    Some psychological causes include previous sexual experiences that involve situations in which men have been hurried to ejaculate in order to avoid being discovered, guilty feelings, erectile dysfunction and anxiety. The biological causes include unusual hormone or brain chemicals levels, abnormal reflex of the ejaculatory system, thyroid problems and prostate or urethra problems.

    There are some factors which can increase your risk of premature ejaculation are: the fear of losing your erection that may cause you to rush through sexual encounters; health concerns that causes you to feel anxious during sex and have an increased likelihood or hurrying to ejaculate; and stress, which doesn’t allow you to relax and focus while having sex.

    The solution

    Doctors recommend different treatment options to patients with sexual health problems like premature ejaculation, these treatments include: sexual therapy which may involve masturbating an hour before intercourse so they can delay ejaculation during sex; psychotherapy, which involves talking about your relationships and experiences with a professional so you can reduce performance anxiety; and medications, especially those which are based in maca, like Maca Enhancer.

    Maca Herbal Enhancer is a nutritional supplement that can grow the penis, enhances libido and your endurance level, reduce stress and regulate hormone balancing. But the benefit that will be of most interest for you who are reading this article is that Maca Enhancer can help you delay your ejaculation so you can enjoy of prolonged sex sessions, this amazing natural product can stop premature ejaculation by allowing you gain control of your release time, besides it can also help block adrenaline surges caused by sexual performance anxiety which is one of the causes of premature ejaculation.

    Understanding erectile dysfunctions

    There is a topic that most men feel uncomfortable to talk about, but it still exists and is a fact that affects a large number of men around the world: erectile dysfunction or male impotence. But something many men do not know is why this happen or what can be done to solve or treat this problem. For those who knew very little about erectile dysfunction, this term refer to some variations of men sexual problems like a total inability to achieve an erection, an inconsistent ability to achieve it, or the ability to sustain them for a very short period of time.

    So, how do erections occur? The penis is made up of two chambers called the corpora cavernosa and they are filled by a spongy tissue, and there’s a smaller chamber below them called the corpus spongisum which surrounds the channel for urine and ejaculate called urethra. Erections begins when impulses from the brain and local nerves relax the muscles of the corpora cavernosa and then the blood flows in and fills the spaces causing the penis to expand and then it is possible for men to sustain an erection.

    Knowing this, what causes erectile diysfunction? Basically, a weak erection happens when not enough blood enters the corpora cavernosa, it can happen because of some damage to nerves or arteries caused by a disease like diabetes, chronic alcoholism, vascular and neurological disease. Other causes are smoking, overweight, some medicines and psychological factors like stress, anxiety, guilt, depression and fear of sexual failure.

    This leads to the most important question, how can these sexual disorders be treated? Doctors’ recommendations can vary with each man. For some of them, some healthy changes in their lifestyle could be enough to solve their problem. However, others are told to try psychotherapy, mechanical devices, and surgery, but the most valuable and effective recommendation they get is to try natural maca capsules that will help them achieve and maintain a great erection like Maca Enhancer.

    This is a nutritional supplement that has demonstrated to be able to grow the penis, improve sexual potency and also increase libido and endurance, this means that it will make a man’s sexual health much better. But how does this natural male sexual enhancer work? What Maca Enhancer does is to increase the maximum capacity of the corpora cavernosa, this way more blood can enter this tissue resulting in a longer and thicker erection. The blood flow is important, if the blood does not flow properly because of damaged nerves or arteries the corpora cavernosa won’t receive enough blood and an erection will not be achieved. Maca Enhancer will enhance and increase the penile blood flow, this way the necessary blood for an erection will make it to this tissue without problems.

    Maca Enhancer you should get if you want about performance anxiety to forget

    Can’t have an erection when you most need it? Are you so worried about having a good performance that you can’t last enough to satisfy your partner? Perhaps you may be suffering of performance anxiety.

    Performance anxiety happens when a man can get an erection but, as he is about to have sex or is actually having sexual intercourse, he loses his erection or can’t get erect at all. This is usual in men that are focusing more on being able to have an orgasm or pleasing his partner with an orgasm, instead of focusing on all the rest of what goes on in a sexual encounter. They worry so much about not disappointing their partner that they can’t have a good performance and they actually do disappoint her.

    Usually performance anxiety produces so much preoccupation that the person becomes less fully involved in the sexual interaction and brings about the very sexual response failure that was feared. Worrying about so many details make the sexual interaction to be dissected so deliberately that they find it very hard to enjoy it. Isolated episodes of having a weak erection or losing it at an inopportune time may occur because of physical causes like having a cold, being tired; or problems like tension or nervousness about a new partner. The problem is that, if a man doesn’t take those incidents in stride and gets upset by not being able to respond physically, he may have difficulties when having sexual intercourse in the future by worrying too much about having a good performance and develop erectile dysfunction problems.

    Being afraid of a having a poor sexual performance can cause loss of erection and sexual desire. Eventually these fears can be so persuasive that men will actually be unable to achieve or maintain an erection for as long as necessary for both of them to enjoy of that experience.

    Explanation and cure

    What happen inside a man body when experiencing performance anxiety is that, in these cases adrenaline surges through the body and causes an erection blocking. So what these men need is something that keeps them calmed, relaxed and confident. Fortunately, this “something” does exist and is called Maca Enhancer. It is a nutritional supplement that can improve sexual potency, increase libido, enhance energy and endurance and reduce stress; it also acts as a hormonal balancer and improve blood circulation to the penis so you can achieve a good erection.

    Maca Enhancer naturally enhances physical sexual performance and immune system capability, helping block adrenaline surges while having sexual intercourse with your partner. This way it will be possible for men to forget about any worry they may have so they will be able to get an erection and stay erected for as long as necessary.

    Having less sexual desire? With Maca Herbal Enhancer you’ll be on fire!!!

    Has having sex with your partner recently become less satisfactory than before? Do you feel it is not as it used to be? It looks like you are experiencing low libido problems; libido is the sexual desire or attraction a person feels for a partner. It is not as common as erectile dysfunction but it does happen to some men at some point of their life. A man with this kind of sexual problem fails to initiate or respond to their partner’s desire for sexual intercourse.

    Some sexual disorders like the loss of sexual desire can be caused mainly by relationship problems wherein one of the partners does not feel close enough to their mate, such as communication problems, lack of affection or time alone together, conflicts, negative or traumatic past sexual experiences and other similar factors. Depression and too much stress may also inhibit sexual interest. Physical causes include hormone deficiencies, or physical illnesses and some medications that make a men feel fatigue, pain or a generalized discomfort.

    There are other factors that lead to have low libido levels like insomnia or other sleep disorders which cause fatigue or, cases when a man has a weak erection or suffers from ejaculation disorders which cause him to lose interest in sex because it is commonly associated with failure or not very pleasurable experiences that are likely to repeat on the future. So men begin thinking that there is no point on having sex if they will not get enough pleasure.

    How to deal with it?

    Couples with this kind of problem may need relationship enhancement work or marital therapy prior to focusing directly on enhancing sexual activity, like learning skills in conflict resolution and stress treatment or making changes in the daily personal routine of each one of them so they can find time for intimacy and romance. Nevertheless, there are other cases when all of this is not enough and additional help is necessary to stimulate libido, and that is the reason why many doctors or couple therapists recommend their patients to try natural supplements like Maca Herbal Enhancer to solve their problem.

    It is a nutritional supplement that is proven to grow the penis, improve male potency, enhance endurance level, reduce stress, regulate hormonal balancing and elevate the male sex drive which will allow men to have an increased libido and be always ready to have sexual activity without any problem. Couples which usually have sex a couple of times each month will experience a great change as they start feeling more sexual interest for their partner making men wish to have sex more often, even more than once in the same day. Maca Herbal Enhancer is definitively a great alternative that men should consider seriously because it enhances libido as you never thought it was possible.

    Maca Enhancer you should get if you want about performance anxiety to forget

    Can’t have an erection when you most need it? Are you so worried about having a good performance that you can’t last enough to satisfy your partner? Perhaps you may be suffering of performance anxiety.

    Performance anxiety happens when a man can get an erection but, as he is about to have sex or is actually having sexual intercourse, he loses his erection or can’t get erect at all. This is usual in men that are focusing more on being able to have an orgasm or pleasing his partner with an orgasm, instead of focusing on all the rest of what goes on in a sexual encounter. They worry so much about not disappointing their partner that they can’t have a good performance and they actually do disappoint her.

    Usually performance anxiety produces so much preoccupation that the person becomes less fully involved in the sexual interaction and brings about the very sexual response failure that was feared. Worrying about so many details make the sexual interaction to be dissected so deliberately that they find it very hard to enjoy it. Isolated episodes of having a weak erection or losing it at an inopportune time may occur because of physical causes like having a cold, being tired; or problems like tension or nervousness about a new partner. The problem is that, if a man doesn’t take those incidents in stride and gets upset by not being able to respond physically, he may have difficulties when having sexual intercourse in the future by worrying too much about having a good performance and develop erectile dysfunction problems.

    Being afraid of a having a poor sexual performance can cause loss of erection and sexual desire. Eventually these fears can be so persuasive that men will actually be unable to achieve or maintain an erection for as long as necessary for both of them to enjoy of that experience.

    Explanation and cure

    What happen inside a man body when experiencing performance anxiety is that, in these cases adrenaline surges through the body and causes an erection blocking. So what these men need is something that keeps them calmed, relaxed and confident. Fortunately, this “something” does exist and is called Maca Enhancer. It is a nutritional supplement that can improve sexual potency, increase libido, enhance energy and endurance and reduce stress; it also acts as a hormonal balancer and improve blood circulation to the penis so you can achieve a good erection.

    Maca Enhancer naturally enhances physical sexual performance and immune system capability, helping block adrenaline surges while having sexual intercourse with your partner. This way it will be possible for men to forget about any worry they may have so they will be able to get an erection and stay erected for as long as necessary.

    Tips On Public Speaking; The Seven Secrets You Need to Know

    With the information age upon us, and immense knowledge being constantly shared, people are being asked more frequently to address public audiences. The need to define study tips on public speaking is rapidly growing. More and more people are standing in front of their audiences with nothing to say, or it seems that way. These following tips on public speaking will show you why it is important to target you message to an audience that will enjoy it.

    1)Know the needs of your audience, and make sure your content is matched to those needs. Know you strongest and weakest points and emphasize your strongest during your presentation. Your audience needs to see you as a professional speaker that has studied the tips on public speaking. You will grab your audience's attention if you come across as actually knowing your subject.

    2)Body Language is very important. Stand, walk around a bit, use appropriate hand gestures or facial expressions. This is much preferred to sitting down during your presentation. Be careful here, you do not want to look silly. Practice in front of a spouse, co-worker or friend, and act natural. If you look nervous, this will greatly affect your body language. Relax and stay calm. The reflection of your body language that you are displaying will be shown in your audience's reaction to your presentation.

    3)Pause - You need to give your audience and yourself time to reflect on a point you just made. Don't rush through your presentation and leave you audience and yourself out of breath. A slow and steady pace, with appropriate pauses will make you seem relaxed and your audience is be relaxed.

    4)Do not read from notes for any lengthy period of time. It is quite acceptable to glance at your notes, but do not read them. This will bore you audience and they will loose attention really fast. Once you have lost the attention of your audience, it is very difficult to get them back.

    5)Speak with conviction. The most important of the tips on public speaking. Do you believe what you are saying? If you do not, your audience will not. You need to persuade you audience and to do this, you must believe in your material. If you actually believe in your material and portray this to your audience, they will begin to believe in your material. This will be a successful presentation.

    6)Add Humor whenever possible. Make sure what you are saying is actually funny, not just for you, for others as well. There is nothing worse in a presentation that a bad joke. Make sure your humor is absolutely politically correct. The last thing you want is to offend your audience.

    7)STOP - Yes, know when to stop. Time your presentation when you are practicing. When you end, summarize you main points. Terminate you presentation with an interesting remark or punch line. If things were going good in your presentation, then you notice your audience wandering, then you know you have good to long. End it quickly.

    Using these seven secret tips on public speaking will greatly increase the changes of you having a successful public speaking experience. There are many more secrets not addressed here, but theses seven are an excellent place to start. By targeting you message to the correct audience and implementing these tips on public speaking in your next address, you will become a speaker that audience's look forward to hear.

    12 Steps to Living a Conscious and Authentic Life

    These twelve steps sum up in essence what it means to live the life of a brilliant coach, empowering others in manifesting their heart’s desires. To live the process is a bit like being the “Fool” card in the tarot deck. You listen, trust and do what your higher self indicates. You are willing to listen to your own drummer and go where the messages, lessons, and guidance take you. When you live the process you don’t necessarily fit into the world of convention, but rather connect with your own purpose and align yourself with your value system and principles. When you live the process you are committed to fulfillment rather than the trappings of success. You are dedicated to authenticity rather than position, prestige, or perks.

    You are devoted to the truth and honoring your ultimate purpose in life rather than momentary appetite gratification. It is because you have this unswerving allegiance to meaning and the deeper values in life that you have the ability to support your clients, colleagues and friends in being loyal to their higher selves. When you live the process, you encourage, empower, and en kindle joy in others aligning them with their true essence and values. Read over the Twelve Steps to Living the Process and ask yourself if you are willing to live life from this perspective. If you are then you can truly live the life of a “Brilliant” coach.

    1. To enjoy every day of your life; and have fun, doing whatever you are doing. Enjoyment means to find the joy in whatever you are engaged in. Joy is not so much found in any particular action as it is created within the person who is performing the act. When you find the joy within you, you bring it with you wherever you go, to whatever activity you do. It is part of you and dwells within you. When you are joyful, it is part of your essence and no one can take it from you.

    2. To feel, experience and honor your feelings. Feelings are the outward expression of your innermost reality. Feelings enable you to connect with your authentic self. Feelings are a barometer of your overall well-being. Your feelings indicate how you are in relationship to yourself and others. When you allow your feelings you show that you respect your reality. When you honor your feelings you place your personal experience above saving face or pleasing others.

    3. To tell the truth, your truth to the best of your ability. Telling the truth means that you are connected to your own perception of reality. It means that you look deeper than the surface explanation of your circumstances. Telling the truth means that you go beyond appropriateness and decorum and reveal what is sometimes unspeakable. Telling the truth is about being your authentic self and letting others experience it, regardless of their reaction.

    4. To look within yourself for your messages, guidance, and direction. Looking within means that you are devoted to the spiritual side of your nature. It means that you will reflect on your options and choices before you act, checking in with your essence. Messages, guidance and direction are always there if you are willing to take the time to listen and notice what they are indicating.

    5. To focus on solutions rather than on problems. Your orientation to reality is either to dwell on the problem or on the solution. It is always your choice, however, the problem gives headaches and heartaches and the solution provides a wonderful lightness of being. When you are committed to the solution, it means that you will not allow the problem to bog you down, drag you down, or dampen your spirit. It means that you always know that there is a solution to every problem and you strive to create win-win outcomes.

    6. To believe in yourself, to believe in others, and to believe in the impossible. Believing in yourself means that you hold yourself in high esteem. It means that you validate your accomplishments and celebrate your successes. It also means that you would do nothing to hurt, demean, or sabotage yourself or others. You take time for your needs and wants and you care for and about yourself. In addition, it means that you are willing to go for the “seemingly impossible” that which appears unreasonable.

    7. To be committed to moving in your life; to reach out for help and/or to have a coaching session when you get off track or “stuck.” It doesn’t mean that you must be perfect, but rather that you are realizing your dreams and making strides towards the others. The possibility of getting “stuck” is there for anyone who is too proud to reach out to others. Living the process means that you are never too proud to reach out to other coaches to obtain support, encouragement, and validation. In other words, you practice what you preach and you do what you teach.

    8. To love yourself unconditionally; all the parts of you; and to treasure who you are. Conditional love means that you accept yourself only when you live up to the expectations you have stipulated. When your body looks the way it should, when you produce the results that you have outlined, when you have your relationship in great shape, and when your life is the perfect picture of success. When you love yourself unconditionally, you love and accept yourself when areas of your life are imperfect. When you are sick in bed you love yourself. When a big deal has fallen through, you love and accept yourself. When you have a dispute with your best friend, you love and accept yourself. When you let someone down, break an agreement, or unknowingly hurt someone, you still love and accept yourself. This may sound like narcissism, but in actuality it is about treasuring who you are and honoring your relationship with yourself. You also reflect to discover your lessons.

    9. To pursue your dreams, your inspiration, to follow your “higher self,” and your messages. Going for your dreams may not always be convenient. Life presents us with tests and lessons that beg the question, “How much do you want it?” When you go after your dreams, inspiration and messages you realize that you will be asked to stretch into larger shoes than you previously filled. If you are going to be an example to others, you need to show the way. Showing the way means leading others to their inspiration. When you can’t seem to book the flight, find the time, or breakthrough the considerations, you use your own coach to support you through the challenges and make it happen.

    10. To reach out to others and/or to God when you need support believing in the perfection of all and seeing your circumstances in the right perspective. Reaching out is critical. If you expect others to reach out to you, you must be willing to take personal inventory, notice when you are stuck, tell the truth, and do whatever you need to do to become unstuck. The reaching out to others does not exclude, a higher power, your angels, your spirit guides, or dear loved ones who have crossed over. Reaching out means that you acknowledge where you are and you ask for help, guidance or direction.

    11. To be responsible for your behavior and for your own actions, and to take charge of all situations which you are able to bring to a positive resolution. Being responsible doesn’t mean that you are to blame. Being responsible means that you acknowledge that you are cause in your circumstances. It means that you are willing to learn a lesson from everything that happens to you. It means that you are willing to take a leadership role in all areas that can possibly be resolved.

    12. To regard everything in your life as a mirror, to learn a lesson, to grow, to search for the perfection in the grand scheme of things and to self-correct lovingly. Your commitment to growth supercedes any need to be perfect or to diminish yourself. Pride doesn’t block you from seeing, discovering, and growing in every facet of your life. Seeing the perfection is not always easy. To see the perfection, you must have some perspective and an elevated viewpoint. When you see the perfection, you examine the situation from the point of view of being necessary to teach you a lesson that otherwise you might not learn.

    Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott is a Negaholic Specialist whose expertise in overcoming negativity overlaps with techniques to overcome stress. To contact Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, Negaholic Specialist, for tips, advice, or counseling, please send your name, email address, phone number and question or comment to

    This program is a small portion of the Interactive Overcoming Negativity Online Training we provide. If you’re interested in outstanding Overcoming Negativity Program, Contact Us Now; you can also subscribe to and access our Online Virtual Training Program by visiting